Friday, 19 October 2012

Arctic Coral - Concept Designs

Here is all the concept work for my 'Arctic Coral' universe. 

The main character, Seug (sig) in all her particoloured glory.

Uoun (oon). He is the best friend and honourary support character.  

Saturday, 13 October 2012

The Reluctant Dragon - Character Designs

These are designs/ redesigns for the characters from Kenneth Grahame's 'The Reluctant Dragon'. 

Still not completely happy with the design for the dragon. To this day, I haven't found a design I like for this character... maybe someday...

Friday, 12 October 2012

Pulp-Fiction Characters and Covers

A two-part character and cover design pulp fiction assignment. These were completed last year, fall of 2011. 

Roland: An adventurer, author and professor with a few screws loose. He prefers to compose his narratives trudging through rainforests, deserts, swamps and caves via dramatic ranting aloud. He employs both willing and not-so-willing grad students to follow him around with a laptop, recording his every word.

Keagan: A young grad student who needed a job.

First pulp cover. This one was trying to emulate a more classic, adventure-flick feel.

Second pulp cover. This was intended as pure cheese. Be warned, the title contains a spoiler.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Costume Illustration

From before christmas, this assignment focused on costume and encouraged us to create a hybrid costume concept based on the merging of cultures together. I decided to merge cultures living in the arctic with those living in the rainforest. The result was a cold climate inhabited by colourful lichen-type forests and colourful animals thus consequently, colourful costumes for any culture living there. 

I decided to really have fun with the colours for this, as well as the fur textures. This is the main character from that world and it's story Seug (sig). 

Friday, 23 March 2012

Character Archetype Assignment

This was an illustration assignment focused on archetypes. I chose the 'Mentor'. 
This piece is a scene from a larger world I have been developing since last year. I'll detail it more later but basically it's a world adapted from inuit culture into a fantasy universe. 
Here my wise woman shaman-like lady summons the soul from the body of the bird-whale. If the animal suffered in death, the pupil fails her initiation test. If the death was a peaceful one, she passes.

I'm still not satisfied with the wise woman's design. If I get the chance, I'd like to design her properly and fix this piece up.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Character Designs for 'Children's TV Show' Assignment

This was a fun little assignment. We had to design characters that could be turned into a kids tv show. So I thought it might be cool to have a female character in an adventure story, and also incorporate in the whole 'animal spirit companion' theme that is really popular in kids programming. So here is Echo, and her genie companion Hahal. 
The genies act as a manifestation of suppressed personality traits within their human partners. This way the companions are less of the gratuitous 'do thy bidding' 'my pet does what I say' idea and more of spirit-like but physical reminder of inner balance. They are every bit mentors as they are allies, while representing the ultimate self-shadow.
Essentially, these two ended up being an exercise in foil characters.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Children's Book Covers and Spread

School assignment based on Freya Littledale's 'Peter and the North Wind'.

These are the actual project pieces for the character designs I uploaded earlier.

Book synopsis: This is a charming tale about a boy who must venture to see the North Wind to get back all the flour he blew away. The North Wind gives Peter magical gifts in exchange, which are stolen from Peter by a greedy InnKeeper every time Peter stays at his inn on the way home. He returns to the North Wind to complain and is given a new gift, only to have it stolen again. This happens three times before the North Wind gives Peter a stick whose only magical quality is that it beats the living bejesus out of whomever it's master tells it to. When the Innkeeper tries to steal this gift, the stick attacks and Peter is given his stolen gifts back and lives happily ever after.

Look at those info flaps go.
We were required to have an example of the front and back covers in a book jacket format with information flaps and everything.